Title: Better together: binary
Speaker: Kareem El-Badry, Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard CfA
When: Friday November 5th, 2021 at 3 pm
Where: Zoom https://ucsd.zoom.us/j/93473141628?pwd=WDNzSUhVdktrVXB6Z1p1R3hBbGc1QT09
Abstract: Binary stars are foundational to modern astrophysics. They underpin precision measurements of stellar structure, age, and composition; they provide the most stringent tests of general relativity, they make possible the study of faint and rare objects such as black holes and neutron stars, and they are the progenitors of gravitational wave sources. The components of binaries often interact, dramatically changing their evolution and giving rise to a spectacular zoo of astrophysical phenomenology. To understand stars — particularly massive stars — it is necessary to understand binaries. Large-scale stellar surveys such as Gaia, TESS, and SDSS-V are transforming the binary field, making possible both comprehensive population demographics and the discovery of rare objects. I will discuss new insights gleaned from surveys in recent years, including the creation of stripped-envelope stars