
The Department of Astronomy offers a Master of Science degree that provides advanced research experience, graduate-level coursework, and faculty mentorship. Designed for students pursuing Ph.D. studies or careers in astrophysics, aerospace, observatories, and space mission support. The program immerses students in research on topics such as exoplanet discovery, stellar evolution, and galaxy formation. With access to telescopes and the San Diego Supercomputer Center, students develop strong skills in observational and theoretical astronomy.

At the graduate level, students have secured roles at institutions like NASA/JPL and the Space Telescope Science Institute as data scientists and analysts.  They have gone on to work as support scientists at major observatories such as Palomar, Gemini, NOIRLab, and W. M. Keck, and with industrial partners such as Malin Space Science Systems. They are also qualified to become tenure-track faculty at community colleges or lecturers at San Diego State University.  Many continue into Ph.D. programs at universities including Louisiana State University, New Mexico State University, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, UMass Amherst, and UT Austin.

Thesis research, conducted in collaboration with faculty, covers diverse astrophysical fields from exoplanet characterization to the physics of supernovae and galaxy formation. Beyond research, the program offers teaching and outreach opportunities. Students lead on-campus observing sessions with various telescopes and create planetarium shows using the department’s Spitz AP3 planetarium. Combining academic training, research experience, and public engagement, the program prepares graduates for careers in astronomy and related fields.

For those interested in community outreach, a plethora of on-campus observing facilities are available, including a Clark 12-inch refractor, two permanently installed 12-inch reflecting telescopes, ten portable 8-inch Meade LX200 reflectors, and an assortment of 20 smaller portable reflecting telescopes. Students can craft their captivating planetarium shows using our classic Spitz AP3 planetarium.

Bridge-to-Ph.D. Track

Thesis, Plan A is for students pursuing a doctorate at another institution or who wish to gain intensive research experience in astronomy. It culminates in a final oral examination of a research thesis and requires the consent of the astronomy graduate advisor.

ASTR 799A – Thesis Units: 3

Career Track

Non-Thesis, Plan B is for students pursuing a technical, teaching, or outreach career. 

This track culminates in a final comprehensive examination covering the core curriculum of astronomy. Students may select courses from across the College of Sciences to complete their Program of Study (subject to the approval of the astronomy graduate advisor).

Program Completion Requirements

Students must specify a plan of completion within their application to the program. Once matriculated, it is possible to switch between tracks with the approval of the astronomy graduate advisor.

In addition to meeting the requirements for classified graduate standing and the basic requirements for the master’s degree described in Requirements for Master’s Degrees, the student must also meet the following departmental requirements in a 30-unit program. At least one-half of the units required for a master’s degree must be courses at the 600- and 700-level with the approval of a graduate advisor. 

Complete the 12-Unit Core Course Curriculum

ASTR 630 – Stellar Atmospheres and Interiors: Units 3
ASTR 650 – Galactic Structure and Evolution: Units 3
ASTR 670 – Foundations of Modern Cosmology: Units 3
ASTR 680 – Astronomical Techniques: Units 3

Complete at Least 15 Additional Units

Complete at least 15 additional units of 500-, 600-, and 700-level in astronomy graduate-level courses or 500-, 600-, 700-level courses in related fields not to exceed 12 units of 500-level courses if pursuing Plan B.

Approved Courses 

PHYS 552 – Modern Optics and Lasers: Units 3
PHYS 564 – Nuclear Physics: Units 3
PHYS 570 – Relativity: Units 3
PHYS 580 – Computational Physics: Units 3
PHYS 606 – Statistical Mechanics: Units 3
PHYS 608 – Classical Mechanics: Units 3
PHYS 610A – Quantum Mechanics: Units 3
MATH 524 – Linear Algebra: Units 3
MATH 530 – Advanced Calculus II: Units 3
MATH 543 – Numerical Matrix Analysis: Units 3
MATH 636 – Mathematical Modeling: Units 3
MATH 693A – Advanced Numerical Methods: Computational Optimization: Units 3
STAT 550 – Applied Probability: Units 3
STAT 551B – Probability and Mathematical Statistics: Units 3
STAT 676 – Bayesian Statistics: Units 3

(or others with the consent of the departmental graduate advisor.)

The student is also required to demonstrate competency in a scientific computing language (e.g., Python, Fortran, C/C++).

Advancement to Candidacy

All students must satisfy the general requirements for advancement to candidacy as specified in Requirements for Master’s Degrees. If the student’s undergraduate preparation is deficient, they will be required to take courses to remove the deficiency. These courses are in addition to the minimum of 30 units for the master’s degree.