Title: Multiplicity at the Bottom of the Main Sequence
Abstract: Binary and higher-order multiple stellar and substellar systems represent a significant fraction of the total number of systems in our Galaxy. Estimates of multiplicity range from greater than 80% for the highest mass stars to less than 30% for the smallest stars. At the bottom of the main sequence, where very low-mass stars (M < 0.2M☉) and brown dwarfs dwell, these numbers are not as well constrained due to the intrinsic difficulty in searching for faint companions to faint objects. The multiplicity of each subpopulation is extremely important to quantify as theories of stellar/substellar formation have specific predictions on the frequency and characteristics of multiple systems. The detection of binaries and higher-order multiple systems uses a variety of techniques dependent on system architecture: radial velocities are ideal for short period binaries, direct imaging can resolve longer period binaries, and astrometric (wobble) monitoring can detect intermediate period binaries. Gaia is poised to revolutionize this field through detection of astrometric binaries, but will be heavily biased towards brighter, high- and intermediate-mass systems. I will present work on a concerted effort to detect, characterize, and quantify the multiplicity at the bottom of the main sequence using a variety of the techniques mentioned.